Updated: Calhoun Police Investigating Child death from Gunshot Wound

November 6th, 2022

Calhoun Police Department –


According to a report by the Gordon Gazette, the Calhoun Police Department has identified the 6-year-old killed from a gunshot wound early Saturday morning, November 5 as Zi Zi Olmstead. No additional information on the shooting has been released, and the Calhoun Police Department confirms the investigation is still active.

Previously Reported:

The Calhoun Police Department is investigating a child’s death from a gunshot wound to the head that occurred in the early morning hours. According to Calhoun Police Chief Tony Pyle, the incident happened around Neal Street at approximately 3 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5. Preliminary reports say that a 6-year-old child and his mother went outside of a residence to let a dog out and the child went behind the apartment and came back telling the woman that he found a toy, then went inside. The mother stated she didn’t think anything about it; that he went into her room and she heard a ‘pop.’ She went to check on him and she found the child on the floor with a gunshot wound to the head. The gun has been identified to be a 9 mm Taurus.