Floyd Elections Board Updates Redistricting Progress, Votes to recommend Personnel

April 7th, 2022 – 6:55 PM

WRGA Staff Reports –

Photo by Ethan Garrett

On Thursday afternoon the Floyd County Board of Elections held a special called session to give a redistricting update, go into executive session, and also discuss personnel matters.

New interim election supervisor Pete McDonald gave an update on the redistricting progress.
He stated that 75% of the redistricting progress activities have been completed and that they anticipate being finished by lunchtime on Friday (the 8th).

27,000 voters in Floyd County were impacted by the redistricting process. These addresses will be receiving new voter precinct cards that will inform them of what new district their address is a part of (Voters who are not impacted by redistricting will not receive these cards).

After the Election board held an executive session, they voted in favor to recommend Pete McDonald as elections supervisor for a contract not to exceed one year. This recommendation will go before the Floyd County Commission on Tuesday the 12th.

Election Chair Jerry Lee also stated that the board is still looking for Floyd county citizens who have an interest in being poll workers. If you are over 16 years old, can read and write in English, and are a citizen of Floyd County then you are eligible. Please contact the Floyd County Elections and voter registration line at (706) 291‑5167.

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