Local Option Sales Tax discussion to start soon

April 5, 2022–12:57 p.m.


Negotiations are expected to start soon regarding how local sales tax revenues will be divided up between the City of Rome, Floyd County, and Cave Spring.

The topic was discussed during Tuesday’s joint services committee meeting.

Rome Mayor Sundai Stevenson said there could be some difficult discussions ahead, but added that “all conflict is not bad, because that is how we grow.” She added the sides will come together, and work it out.

County Commissioner Wright Bagby agreed.

“It’s never been a problem in the past,” he said.  “That’s always been one of the strengths of our city, county, and Cave Spring governments.  We’ve always worked together to get things done.  The chit-chat out there is some big argument is fictional on our part.”

The joint services committee also discussed the next possible Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax vote, most likely in November of 2023.

The discussion Tuesday focused mainly on coming up with ideas on how to fine-tune the process for the citizen’s advisory committee, which would again come up with a list of projects.