Rome commission re-adopts “City of Ethics” resolution

March 15, 2022–4:04 p.m.


The Rome City Commission has voted to re-adopt the “City of Ethics” resolution.

To earn a “Certified City of Ethics” designation, a city must take two actions.

Adopt a resolution establishing the five ethics principles for the conduct of your city’s officials, and adopt an ethics ordinance that meets minimum standards approved by the GMA Board.

These principles are designed to guide the elected officials as individuals and as a governing body.

They include:  Serving others, not themselves; using resources with efficiency and economy; treating all people fairly; using the power of their position for the well-being of their constituents; and creating an environment of honesty, openness, and integrity.

The Georgia Municipal Association’s Cities of Ethics program is not in any way an approval of past or present conduct by the city or any city official.

Instead, it is an attempt to raise awareness about ethics issues at the local level and provide a local forum for the airing and resolution of legitimate concerns.

The use of a local ethics ordinance allows citizens to raise their concerns and participate in the ethics investigation process at the local level, where the voice and influence of the individual citizen is strongest.

Rome City Clerk Joe Smith said the resolution will be submitted to GMA for re-certification.

It is expected to become official at the GMA’s annual conference in late June.

You can read the resolution HERE

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