Rezoning approved for townhome development

March 1, 2022–7:36 p.m.


The Rome City Commission has approved a rezoning request for a townhome development on East 2nd Avenue.

The property, which was the site of the old AT&T building, will go from Community-Commercial to Multifamily-Residential.

The proposed site plans show 31 townhomes, according to Assistant Rome-Floyd Planning Director Brice Wood.

“One of the things we love about it is the ones facing 2nd Avenue are rear-loaded in terms of their parking,” he said.  “That way, when you’re driving down the road, you see front doors.  You don’t see a parking lot.  It gives it much more of an urban, downtown feel.”

This is the first such development after the city commission approved a Unified Land Development Code text amendment to allow townhomes, triplexes, and duplexes along major streets.

“This is one of, I believe, three developments that can now possibly happen because of this,” Wood added.  “We see this as a wonderful thing.  It’s adding additional users to the existing infrastructure, which will hopefully keep costs down.”

The 31 townhomes will be a mix of 3 stories with 2 car garage and 2 stories with 1 car garage.

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