RHS FFA hosts community appreciation luncheon

February 25, 2022–5:52 p.m.


Coinciding with National FFA (Future Farmers of America) Week and CTAE Month (Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education), the Rome High FFA Appreciation Luncheon, held at the College and Career Academy Tuesday, brought together two paramount programs within the opportunities and pathway options at RHS. 

As the students of the Culinary Arts pathway prepared and served a three-course meal, guests received a formal, and very informative, presentation from the RHS FFA officers.

The FFA president gave the welcome to luncheon attendees, which included members of the advisory board of the FFA Rome chapter, RCS board members, Superintendent Louis Byars, as well as RHS administration and faculty. 

With three taps of the president’s gavel, all 20 members stood and recited their purpose, in unison, “To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”

As the FFA vice president called the roll, the officers responded from their individual, symbolic stations, each with a duty to perform from that station. The sentinel was stationed by the door, to make sure that it remains open to all friends; the reporter, by the flag, as they strive to inform the people that FFA is a national organization; the treasurer, at the emblem of Washington, as it is their duty to keep a record of receipts and disbursements just as Washington kept of his farm accounts. 

The Secretary was stationed by the ear of corn, with a duty to keep track of correspondence with other secretaries “wherever corn is grown and FFA members meet;” the Advisor, stationed by the owl, fulfills the duty of offering guidance when it is needed. 

The vice president was stationed by the plow; just as the plow is a symbol of labor and tillage of the soil, so their duties are to assist the work of the organization at all times. The roll call returned to the president, who resided beneath the rising sun in symbolism of leadership. 

The FFA Student Advisor informed guests of the programs, volunteer opportunities and events that FFA has been involved with in the past year. She spoke of the FFA’s involvement in the livestock barn preparation for 

the Coosa Valley Fair in October, the FFA Food Drive and Agriscience Fair in December, as well as some competitions they have participated in. 

The officers informed guests of upcoming competitions such as the Poultry Evaluation and Nursery Landscape Evaluation in March and the State Agriscience Finalist Competition in April that will feature officer Ca’Lia Scott.

As guests finished their lunch, FFA Advisor Rachel Dunaway offered gratitude and a bit of encouragement, “The majority of farmers in Floyd County are between the ages of 35 and 64 years old, it is critical that we invest in these students through agriculture programs for the future of the United States.” She added, “We can empower these students to be independent and self-sufficient. We can teach them the value of a hard day’s work.”

She extended her gratitude to Culinary Arts Instructor Jordan Evans and her students for the meal and thanked the guests, one more time, for investing in the FFA members and their mission. 

One last tap of the president’s gavel, and the meeting, the luncheon, was adjourned. 

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