City commission approves revised wine pouring hours

February 14, 2022–10:13 p.m.


The Rome city commission has approved an ordinance amendment to extend the hours for the pouring and consumption of wine on days other than Sunday.

Rome City Clerk Joe Smith explained the ordinance during Monday’s city commission meeting.

“Currently, wine is more linked to our liquor regulations, meaning it cannot be poured before 10 a.m., he said.  “If amended, it could be poured as early as 6 a.m., as beer is.  That’s Monday through Saturday.  The Sunday hours of 11 a.m. will not be changed nor will the end hours, the hours in which wine has to stop being poured and consumed.”

The Rome City Commission has also approved a resolution authorizing the consolidation of the Cave Spring Housing Authority with the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority.

The resolution also calls for the board of commissioners of the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority would be expanded to comprise of a total of eight members.

Commissioners also voted in favor of a Unified Land Development Code text amendment to allow townhomes, triplexes and duplexes along major streets with restrictions.

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