Operation Gift Card returns in February

January 20, 2022–9:45 a.m.


The Rome Floyd Chamber announced today, January 20, 2022, the return of Operation Gift Card. Operation Gift Card is a gift card matching program the Rome Floyd Chamber began in 2020 to respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Operation Gift Card event will be held on Friday, February 4, 2022, and match $100 gift cards until the goal of $10,000 in matching funds is reached.

“It is with great excitement that we announce the return of our successful Operation Gift Card program,” said Kenna Stock, 2022 Chair of the Rome Floyd Chamber. “We are thrilled to once again partner with the Community Foundation for Greater Rome and Georgia Power to make this event possible.”

Ashley Garner, Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Greater Rome, said, “We are pleased to help bring back this successful program. Operation Gift Card is a great example of how the Community Foundation partners with other organizations in Rome and Floyd County for the benefit of our entire community. Partnering with the Chamber and Georgia Power and offering this opportunity to our donors to make such a far-reaching impact in the community directly aligns with our mission.”

“The 2020 event was a huge success, and we are honored to be able to partner once again with the Rome Floyd Chamber and the Community Foundation for Greater Rome and make a significant impact on the small business community of Rome and Floyd County,” said Cassandra Wheeler, Regional Director, Georgia Power. “When Georgia Power can support an effort that helps our citizens, our small businesses, and our community, it allows us to truly exercise our commitment to being a citizen where we serve.”

The one-day-only, online event will take place on Friday, February 4, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the Chamber’s website www.romega.com .The event will consist of two phases. The first phase will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the Rome Floyd Chamber will be selling Gift cards in increments of $100. For each purchase made, the Chamber of Commerce will match the first $100 spent by the consumer until the goal of $10,000 in matching funds is reached. Once the goal of $10,000 is reached, the event will go into Phase Two. In Phase Two, the Chamber will sell gift cards in $25 increments, and for each $25 purchased, the consumer will receive a $5 bonus gift card.

“Operation Gift Card is a great way for us to promote Shop Rome and Shop Floyd and highlight the importance of keeping your dollars in our community,” said Pam Powers-Smith, President of the Rome Floyd Chamber.  “The 2020 Operation Gift Card was extremely successful and sold out within minutes. We cannot wait to see what happens this year and the impact that will be made on our small businesses. This is a fast-paced event, and only so many will receive a matching gift card. Be sure to follow our social media accounts to learn tips and tricks on how to be prepared for Operation Gift Card.”

For Gift Card Giveaway information, including a list of participating businesses, please go to https://www.romega.com/operation-gift-card.

If your business wants to participate in Operation Gift Card, please reach out to Amber West, [email protected], by Wednesday, January 26, 2022. 

We are currently looking for one more donor to participate in Operation Gift Card. If you are interested in learning more about donating to this effort, please contact Ashley Garner at the Community Foundation for Greater Rome, 706-728-3453.