Rome Clocktower turns 150 this year

January 12, 2022–10:23 a.m.


The Rome Clocktower turns 150 years old this year and a full calendar of events has been planned to celebrate! The community is invited to participate. 

Kicking off the year of celebrations is the Rome Clocktower 150th Birthday Party on January 27, 11:30 a.m. at Clocktower Hill. Celebrate 1870’s style with music, ceremony, and of course, cake!  That evening, come view a beautiful display of Rome Clocktower Art at the Rome Area History Center. Works will be made by artists of all ages and abilities. Awards for creativity will be announced at 5:30 PM.

The Rome Area History Center will host a “Build Your Own Clocktower” Craft Night on Thursday, January 13 from 4-6 pm. Drop-in for instruction and templates to build your own. The class is $5. Reserve your spot at All participants are encouraged to enter their art in the Rome Clocktower Art display.

Learn the history of the Rome Clocktower from conception to construction to alterations in a monthly lecture series held at The Rome Area History Center. The series will be held the second Friday of each month, April thru September. Rome History Center Director, Selena Tilly, will share stories and unique insights each month. Tickets are $5 (Free for center members). 

Enjoy a “Night with the Stars: Stargazing Event” on Friday, April 1. View the stars and planets through telescopes from Clocktower Hill. Learn about the constellations and the universe. Details will be posted closer to the date on how to secure your timeslot. 

Monthly Clocktower Tours will return Saturday, April 1. Climb the steps to the very top to see the best views of Rome. Learn the history of Rome in painted murals depicting the founding of Rome through present-day on the interior of the tower. Tours will be offered on the first Saturday of the month, April thru September. Tickets are $10. 

The Rome Area History Center will host a Rome Clocktower History special exhibit of the Clocktower and the Rome Fire Department. The exhibit will open Wednesday, April 13, and will run through September. Entry is free. 

Storyteller, Bob Harris will share wonderful tales of Rome and the Clocktower on the lawn of the Clocktower Hill on Thursday, May 5 at 6 p.m. Bring blankets and chairs for seating; entry is free. 
Get creative and celebrate with a painting party. Create your own Clocktower masterpiece and enjoy “Clocktail drinks” on the deck overlooking downtown Rome with views of the river and the Clocktower. Artist, Kristi Kent, will facilitate the event and guide participants through the painting. The event will be held at the Courtyard Rome Riverwalk on Friday, May 6 at 5:30 p.m.  The cost will be $40 per person; all proceeds will benefit the Clocktower Restoration Fund. 
See a special showing of the Clocktower Movie under the stars on Saturday, September 24. The film was created by Austin L. Wiggins of HindLight Media. The event will be held on Clocktower Hill. Bring blankets and chairs for seating; entry is free. Calling all amateur and professional photographers who enjoy capturing the beauty of fall from the best view in Rome – the top of the Clocktower! The event will be held Saturday, November 5 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $10.

Join us for a Clocktower Re-dedication Ceremony on November 19 at 1 p.m. The clockworks were officially added to the top of the waterworks tower in October of 1872. Everyone is welcome to attend. 
All ticketed events held at the Rome Clocktower benefit the Rome Clocktower Restoration Fund. The Rome Area History Center is a non-profit; all ticketed events held at the center benefit the Rome Area History Center. 

For more details on the Rome Clocktower 150th Birthday Kickoff and events planned for the year, visit: