Rome and Floyd school boards approve ESPLOST resolutions

January 11, 2022–7:00 p.m.


Both the Rome City and Floyd County Boards of Education have approved resolutions calling for an Education SPLOST referendum to be placed on the ballot later this year.

If approved by voters, the new ESPLOST would go into effect after the current penny sales tax expires on March 31, 2024.

It would be collected for 20 consecutive calendar quarters and raise no more than $130 million.

Rome School System projects would include a new middle school along with the addition of new classrooms and ancillary facilities where necessary.

Projects also include renovations to existing school buildings and other facilities, acquiring system-wide technology improvements and equipment, and security improvements at all schools.

The funds would also go to acquire school buses, technology improvements, and equipment, as well as purchase new e-books and textbooks.

The Floyd County School System’s share of the funds would go to construct, replace, add to, renovate, modernize, remove, repair, modify, improve and equip existing schools buildings, the Floyd County Schools College and Career Academy, administration buildings, athletic and fine art buildings/facilities and other buildings, and facilities.

The money would also go to acquire system-wide technology improvements and equipment, textbook, school buses, school-related vehicles, and transportation facilities.