Floyd BOE to discuss speed enforcement cameras

December 26, 2021–7:51 p.m.


Floyd County is thinking about following the City of Rome in using speed enforcement cameras in school zones.

The issue is on the agenda for a Floyd County Board of Education work session and called meeting on January 3.

Captain Ron Hunton with the Floyd County Police Department recently told the county public safety committee that, if approved, the initial location for the cameras would be the Armuchee Elementary School Zone on Highway 27 North.

“The reason that we chose this school zone is, with Glenwood closing, we are going to be adding about another 100 students at Armuchee Elementary,” he said.  “Also, we know, just from our own enforcement actions and research that the 27 North/State Route 1 corridor is a busy corridor for us, as far as speed enforcement and crashes go.  It’s the number two state route in the county for the number of crashes that we have.”

A traffic study The goal is to reduce speed and automobile crashes in the area.

“I think it would also benefit the high school zone, which is just south of this location, and getting people to slow down,” Capt. Hunton.  “Any fines generated by this would be to help cover the cost of technology.  As we move into the future, technology is going to be a bigger cost.”

A recent traffic study in that area recorded 648 speeding violations in just one day.

Some were going 75 to 80 miles per hour.

The Floyd County Board of Education called meeting and work session will begin at 5 p.m. on Monday, January 3 at the central office on Riverside Parkway.

You can view the agenda HERE.