County to consider speed enforcement cameras in school zones

December 9, 2021–6:25 p.m.


In September, speed camera enforcement began in the Rome High School Zone, and now talks are underway about placing cameras on Highway 27 North in the Armuchee Elementary School zone.

Captain Ron Hunton with the Floyd County Police Department spoke to the county public safety committee on Thursday regarding the possible partnership between police, the Floyd County Schools, and a speed enforcement camera company.

“We were approached about a month ago about photo enforcement in school zones,” he said.  “We really just started out by researching the company and photo enforcement in general.  We spoke to the company, looked up some of the law points, case law, and things of that nature.  Everything looked good there, and the company has been very responsive to all of our questions.  I spoke with some other agencies that are using this same system or a similar system, and they have had some success with it.  I did meet with some officers with the Rome City Police, and they demonstrated how the system works.  It looks fairly simple, and looks to be an effective tool we can use.”

The goal is to reduce speed and automobile crashes in the area.

Captain Hunton said a recent traffic study recorded 648 speeding violations in just one day.

All were going at least 11 miles per hour over the speed limit.

“There were five violations that day of between 75 and 80 miles per hour,” he added.  “There were 34 between 70 and 75, and there were 274 between 65 and 70 miles per hour.  The rest were below that 65 miles per hour speed.  That was all day long, and some were during the 45 miles per hour zone times.”

The plan is expected to be brought before the Floyd County Commission after the first of the year.

Enforcement would begin 60 days after the contract is signed and there would be a 30 day warning period.

The cameras would come at no cost to the taxpayer as it would be paid for with the speeding fines.

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