Office of Downtown Development announces Sidewalk Santa Takeover

October 14th, 2021 – 4:20 PM

The Office of Downtown Development –

The Office of Downtown Development is excited to announce a new community-wide fundraiser to help bring Christmas cheer to downtown during the holiday season! This fun and engaging activity is for the entire community. Businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and families are invited to take part in the Sidewalk Santa Takeover.

The goal is to line downtown with over 200 Santa displays and eventually make Downtown Rome the holiday destination for Northwest Georgia! During the month of December, the public can vote for their favorite Santa for $1. The owner of the winning Santa will receive the coveted Golden Santa Award, a commemorative plaque, and of course, bragging rights!

Businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and families are invited to submit their Santas and to be as creative as possible! Santa’s could be dressed up as a tropical Santa, a golfing Santa, and even a Roman Santa!

Votes can be submitted in-person at several locations: The Office of Downtown Development, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm; and Rome Area History Center, Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. The public can drop by any time during the month of December to vote. Downtown businesses with Santas may also collect votes for the Santa located at their place of business. Votes can also be submitted online at via PayPal ([email protected]). Be sure to include the name of your favorite Santa with your vote. The deadline for voting is December 30 and the winner will be announced on Friday, January 7.

Registration to submit a Sidewalk Santa will begin October 15 and close November 12. The registration price is $50 for businesses, $25 for schools and nonprofits, and $15 for an individual or family.

Each person or organization submitting a Santa will be responsible to install and take down their Santa. The installation will run from November 30 to December 1. Santas must be taken down between December 30 to January 5.

All proceeds from this event will go towards the purchase of new holiday décor for Downtown Rome.

For more information, as well as the rules and regulations, please head to our website: For further questions and more information contact our office, please call 706-236-4520 or email [email protected].