September 13, 2021–8:39 p.m.
The Floyd County Board of Elections is expected to discuss locations and tech support for early voting for the upcoming municipal elections, along with other agenda items when they meet Tuesday.
The meeting will be in the Community Room of the County Administration Building on East 4th Avenue.
The caucus will begin at 11:30 a.m. with the meeting immediately following.
The meetings are open to the public.
Citizens who wish to attend in person are asked to follow the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You can view the meeting agenda HERE
Meanwhile, the Floyd County Board of Commissioners is expected to adopt an ordinance establishing the county as a “Broadband Ready Community” when they meet Tuesday.
The caucus, which will include an update on Floyd County Public Works, begins at 4 p.m. with the regular meeting to follow at 6.
The meetings will be held in the County Administration Building on East 4th Avenue.
The meetings are open to the public.
Everyone in attendance is asked to follow the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The agenda for the meeting can be read HERE.