Rome City Schools releases Georgia Milestones Test scores

August 16, 2021–6:30 p.m.


The Georgia Department of Education has released the Georgia Milestones test scores for the 2020-21 school year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lower participation rates, scores across the state were impacted.

You can view the scores HERE.

Rome City Schools (RCS) teachers, as well as the entire staff, have worked extremely hard to minimize the learning loss caused by the pandemic. RCS expects to see achievement increases in the coming years as we hope to return to educational environments with fewer disruptions to student learning.

RCS recognizes that our students have experienced learning loss due to the pandemic. To combat this loss, RCS has implemented several interventions and opportunities for students to succeed. Additional certified teachers were hired to ensure that class sizes remain low, and 27 paraprofessionals were hired throughout the district as support for kindergarten through second-grade classes. After-school programs have been expanded, and Virtual Online Tutoring (VOLT) will resume on August 30, 2021. Other additional resources have been implemented within all RCS schools as well.

Rome City Schools is committed to ensuring the success of each student as they prepare for the future. It is our mission that all Rome City Schools students will graduate from Rome High School prepared for college or work.