July 28th, 2021 – 2:50 PM
WBHF Radio –

(Via WBHF Radio) Two left lanes of I-75 southbound (Highway 41 South and Highway 293 South) are closed at milepost 281 due to a wreck on the bridge.
Bartow County Fire Chief, Dewayne Jamison says a Fed Ex truck left the interstate and ended up on Joe Stella Drive.
The truck was on fire with direct flames on the I-75 overpass bridge.
Officials with GDOT say a vehicle heading southbound on I-75 struck the guardrail on the inside portion of the bridge, left the road, and fell to Sand Town Rd. below.
Two southbound lanes of I-75 are closed. Officials are assessing damage to the bridge.
(photo from GDOT)