Two deaths reported in Floyd County this week as COVID-19 cases rise

July 22, 2021–11:14 a.m.


Floyd County has reported two COVID-19-related deaths this week as the number of confirmed cases continues to rise.

According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, Floyd County saw seven positive tests the week of July 3.

That rose to 49 last week.

This week we have seen 70 new cases, so far.

Dr. Gary Voccio, health director for the 10-county Georgia Department of Public Health Northwest District urges everyone to get a vaccine if they have not already done so.

“Vaccines are protective, even against the Delta Variant,” he said.  “So, please get a vaccine.  The vaccines will protect you, and protect others. They may save lives.”

According to the latest numbers, only about 32,000 of Floyd County’s 99,000 residents have been fully vaccinated.

That is about 33% of the population, which is just above the state average of 31%.

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