Rome City Commission approves incentives for new housing

July 13, 2021–7:09 a.m.


The Rome City Commission has approved recommendations from a special committee on housing aimed at incentivizing the construction of much-needed housing.

The intention is to use $1 million from the American Rescue Plan to fund the incentives.

“The recommendation from the committee was to look at increasing housing starts for both homes for sale and homes for rent in a range that was attainable for a large portion of our population,” said Commissioner Wendy Davis, who chairs the special housing committee.  “That means having those targeted price ranges be below $250,000 or monthly rent lower than $1,200.”

Davis added the incentives are just the first step.

“This is a segment of the recommendations from the committee,” she said.  “The committee will be meeting again to dig in further on some of the recommendations they have made and continue the conversation about opportunities to help people get in these new houses.  This is a pilot project and a short-term spark to get housing starts going.