Centre man arrested following brief armed standoff With police

July 12th, 2021 – 8:55 AM

WEIS Radio –

(Via WEIS Radio) Leesburg Police Chief Brent Grimes says a 31-year-old Centre man was taken into custody on Friday night following a brief standoff with officers at a campground just off of Weiss Lake Blvd.

Officers were conducting a welfare check at the location. Officers made contact with Ronnie Overby who had barricaded himself inside a camper armed with a knife. Chief Grimes said that Overby made numerous threats to harm himself and others.

Investigator Jamie Chatman said that officers used equipment provided by the Leesburg Fire Department to force entry into the camper. Once inside a taser was deployed and Overby was taken into custody.

Chief Grimes said that fortunately no one was hurt.

Overby was booked in at the Cherokee County Detention Center on charges of Menacing-Gun/Knife/Other Weapon, Disorderly Conduct. Disturbing the Peace, Resisting Arrest and Public Intoxication. He remains in jail on a $3000 bond.

The Centre Police, Cedar Bluff Police, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, Floyd EMS and Leesburg Fire Department also provided assistance during the incident.