Hufstetler named to jobs and infrastructure committee

July 5, 2021–1:30 p.m.


Governor Brian Kemp has named members of the Georgia Jobs and Infrastructure Committees.

The committees will be responsible for receiving applications and making recommendations to the Governor regarding federal coronavirus relief funds allocated to Georgia through the American Rescue Plan.

State government entities, units of local government, industries, and nonprofits will be eligible to apply.

State Senator Chuck Hufstetler will serve on the Economic Impact Committee, whose job will be to review submissions and make recommendations on funding to address economic development.

The other two committees will be focused on broadband infrastructure, water, and sewer infrastructure.

The Georgia Jobs and Infrastructure Committees will receive applications beginning August 1, 2021, at

Applications will close on August 31, 2021, and grants are targeted to be announced the week of October 18, 2021.

These dates are subject to change as guidance from the U.S. Department of the Treasury continues to evolve.