November 19, 2020–10:30 a.m.
On Saturday, free food will be distributed at State Mutual Stadium during a “Farmers for Families” event.
Roger Lemaster with the Rome Lions Club tells us more.
“These are the products that been bought through President Trump’s COVID act,” he said. “They are distributing them throughout the United States but we were fortunate to have a truck come to Rome. We will be giving out boxes of refrigerated items of food. We are supposed to have 1,180 boxes.”
The food is available to anyone.
“Anyone who can use it is welcome to it,” Lemaster added. “Any organizations that need food, we will be glad for them to come out and get some for their organizations, like shelters and things of that nature.”
Lemaster said they will get started at around 9 a.m. and will be at the stadium until all the food is gone.