[VIDEO] “Say Their Names” demonstration held throughout Rome

June 3, 2020–8:00 a.m.


Some stood at the Rome City Auditorium, some on the sidewalk.

Others stood in their own yards while some simply lit a candle in their own home.

They made signs with the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others.

The event was called “Say Their Names” and was organized by AMP Rome.  AMP stands for Art, Music, Purpose, and started in 2016 as Turn Your Back on Hate.

The goal was to blanket the town with a message of support, peace, and justice and make a statement in a peaceful yet powerful way.

The event was peaceful with the vast majority of passing motorists showing their support.

Participants were asked to take a video and pictures for a video compilation of the event which will be shared on social media.

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