Saturday COVID-19 update from Gordon County

April 5, 2020–4:18 p.m.


As we enter our first full day of the Governor’s Executive Order to shelter in place we want to take the time to give an update on our current numbers as well as strongly encourage all of our citizens to follow the order by staying home as much as possible, continue to practice social distancing and also continue to wash your hands often while also keeping your hands away from your face.

“By looking at our current numbers, compared to some of our surrounding communities, it is evident as citizens that for the most part you have worked to “flatten the curve” here in Calhoun and Gordon County and we thank you for that,” said Becky Hood, Chairperson of the Gordon County Board of Commissioners. “Calhoun and Gordon County Governments along with both school systems took actions in mid-March that have also assisted in keeping our numbers where they currently are. There is more that can and has to be done though so let’s not grow complacent in this very important time in battling this invisible enemy of COVID-19. Each case that is added is one more than what we want,” she added.

By doing your part there is not only the effect that is reflected so far in our numbers but the effect you are having on our hospital and our first responders.

“All of these agencies are working extremely hard and long hours to protect our community and our people,” said Emergency Management Director Courtney Taylor. “We ask all citizens to continue to use the E9-1-1 system as needed but use it for true emergencies to not overtax our resources that may be needed for a real emergency. Also, know that all callers will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms for anyone in the residence. This is a quick process and we ask callers to be honest with their answers. A response is initiated no matter the screening outcome but it does let our responders know the proper type of protection to wear to the scene.”

The numbers released by the Department of Public Health (DPH) as of today at noon confirm 6,160 positive cases now in Georgia which is up from 5,967 last night at 7 p.m. Deaths in the state of Georgia went from 198 cases at 7 p.m. up to 201 today at noon.

As for Gordon County, per the DPH, we currently remain at twenty-one confirmed positive cases and two deaths as of today’s noon report. Just as a reminder, DPH cases are assigned to each county by the address of the resident, not where they were tested. Also, this is all the information that has been shared with Gordon County as due to HIPPA laws we do not know the names of any patients or fatalities.

As always we ask everyone to continue to pray for our community, our state, and our nation. We will continue to update as information changes and becomes available.

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