Updated City of Rome operations

March 16, 2020–8:02 a.m.


The City of Rome is increasing measures for the health and safety of our staff and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Rome is closing public access to all non-emergency facilities effective March 16, 2020. The closures will remain in effect through March 29, 2020 at which time the situation will be re-evaluated.

All essential city operations and staff including Police, Fire, Water/Sewer, Sanitation, and key infrastructure will continue functioning.  Emergency services will continue.

City of Rome Transit will operate all regular services at this time. However, officials ask riders to please practice CDC-recommended hygiene and germ-spread prevention techniques and social distancing.

Although public access is restricted, all city departments can be reached via phone. Water Billing can accept payments by phone, mail or online: https://www.romefloyd.com/pay-water-bill. Building Inspection will be able to take payments and issue permits by phone.

For non-emergency questions, the public can reach the appropriate department at the phone numbers listed below:

City Manager’s Office: 706-236-4400
City Clerk’s Office:       706-236-4460 (Business License and facility rental)
Municipal Court:           706-236-5150 or 706-236-4462
Finance Department:    706-236-4420
Technology Services:    706-236-4445 or 706-236-4446
Purchasing:                   706-236-4410
Water Billing:                 706-236-4440 or 706-236-4441
HR/Risk Management:  706-236-4450 or 706-236-4452
Building Inspection:       706-236-4480 or 706-236-4481
Fire Department:           706-236-4500
Police Department:        706-238-5101 or 706-238-5111                  
Police Records:             706-238-5155 or 706-238-5154
Public Works:                706-236-4585 or 706-236-4466
Street Department:        706-378-3859
Engineering:                  706-378-3846
Cemetery:                      706-236-4534
Landfill:                          706-291-4512
Solid Waste:                   706-236-4580
Transit:                           706-236-4523 or 706-236-5036 or 706-236-5038
Water/Sewer Operations: 706-236-4560, Emergency After-Hours 706-236-4527
Filter Plant:                                   706-236-4527
Water Reclamation Facility:         706-236-4526
Downtown Development/Parking:706-236-4477
Planning/Zoning:                          706-236-5022

The public can also utilize the myRome app to connect directly with city staff. The app is available on itunes and google play.

The city will continue posting updates on the City Facebook page www.facebook.com/CityofRomeGA and the City website, https://www.romefloyd.com/coronavirus-updates.