[VIDEO] Crazy Horse Family Elder and Author W. Matson Event

February 7th, 2020 – 4:00 PM

Ethan Garrett – WRGA Digital News Editor & Video Reporter

The Rome Area History Museum In partnership with Chieftains Museum & Major Ridge Home, held an event on Thursday night.

Many people gathered to hear Floyd Clown Sr. and author William Matson discuss the family oral history of Crazy Horse and also their book “Crazy Horse and Lakota Warrior’s Life and Legacy.”

Floyd Clown Sr, a son to Edward Clown who was a nephew to the Elder Lakota war leader & keeper of the sacred bundle and pipe, represented his family at the discussion. This will be their landmark 300th appearance as they travel across the United States and Europe.

To find out more about the book and the authors, please check out their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/TashunkeWitkoTiwaheCrazyHorseFamilyEFC/

& For more on this event, please see the video below:

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