Bagby seeking re-election to county commission

January 11, 2020–8:44 p.m.


On Friday, Wright Bagby announced his bid for a second term on the Floyd County Board of Commissioners.

In a statement he said:

“Over the past three years, the Board of Commissioners has worked together as a team for the betterment of the Floyd County community as a whole.  Although we all come from different backgrounds and life experiences, it is our compassion for community service throughout all of Rome, Cave Spring, and Floyd County that unites us as a Commission.

With over thirty joint agreements between the Cities of Rome, Cave Spring, and Floyd County, it is imperative that our Board of Commissioners continue to strengthen our relationships with other elected officials for the betterment of our citizens.  As a former Mayor of the City of Rome and the current Vice-Chair of the Floyd County Board of Commissioners, I have had the opportunity to serve my community in many ways.  This perspective gives value in reviewing the issues and the impact on all sides.  By continued cooperation with other local governments, we can better execute an effective and efficient service delivery to all.

Over the past one and half years, Rome-Floyd County has seen a newly created model for both economic development and the elimination of littler and blight in our community.  After many years of success, it is important for our community that we continue to work for managed and quality growth to create good jobs.  It is my hope that my time on the Floyd County Board of Commissioners will leave a cleaner, more prosperous community for my grandchildren to enjoy, as well as the opportunity for them to make Rome-Floyd County their home for future generations.

If elected to serve the citizens of Floyd County for a second term, I will continue to make the financial security of Floyd County a top priority.  The experience of serving as the Chair of the Administration and Finance Committee for both Floyd County and the City of Rome has given me a rare opportunity, and I hope the voters will trust my integrity and experience to continue maintaining solid, fiscal responsibility in Floyd County.”


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