Spring Creek Baptist Church wins “Best in Parade”

December 4, 2019–6:00 a.m.


Downtown Rome was filled with the sights and sounds of the holidays Tuesday night during the annual Rome Christmas Parade.

Grand Marshal John Schroeder led the parade up Broad Street as thousands of spectators looked on.

The Spring Creek Baptist Church’s float (pictured) took home the  “Best in Parade” award.

Other winners were:

Adult Division

1st        Rome Passion Play

2nd       Coosa Valley Credit Union

3rd        Kilgo for Sheriff

4th        Kevin Gurley Inc

5th        Pridemore & Cox Orthodontics

6th        Summit Quest

Children’s Division

1st        Little Creek Baptist Church Youth Group

2nd       Faith Missionary Baptist

3rd        Berry College Elementary and Middle School

4th        Trail Life Boys – Pleasant Valley North

5th        Pack 118

6th        Berry College Elementary and Middle School  Girl Scouts Troop 727

Photos from the Spring Creek Baptist Church Facebook page


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