Black Friday safety tips from Calhoun Police

November 28, 2019–9:56 p.m.


Many shoppers will be out early trying to find those great bargains on Black Friday, but unfortunately so will the people looking to take advantage of you letting your guard down.

The Calhoun Police department has some safety tips.

If you are shopping with children, make a plan in case you get separated.

Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle.

Always check the back seat and around your vehicle before getting in.

Watch for loiterers near your vehicle and alert security or police should you see one.

Never leave packages visible in your vehicle.

When using ATM Machines, look around from time to time and be aware of what’s going on around you.

Chief Tony Pyle says “Following these steps will not guarantee you won’t become the victim of a crime, however, they will significantly reduce the chances.

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