Plans for economic development building moving forward

October 1, 2019–12:17 p.m.


Plans are progressing for the renovation of the brick building behind the Rome-Floyd County Chamber of Commerce Office which will serve as the headquarters for economic development.

Cevian Design is working on some concepts for the building to house the office of Melissa Kendrick, the new president of economic development and staff.

County Manager Jamie McCord gave an update following Tuesday’s Joint Services Committee meeting.

“Mark Cochran has a couple of scenarios to look at,” McCord said.  “Missy [Kendrick] had a work session with him late last week.  Hopefully, we can get movement on that building and that renovation to get that additional workspace there.”

The next Joint Services meeting isn’t until December, but McCord said they will likely have a called meeting later this month or early in November to finalize the plans.

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