Elevation House announces fundraiser

September 4, 2019–9:30 a.m.


Drawing off the energy of National Recovery and Suicide Prevention Month, Elevation House has launched Elevation125- its first annual campaign to raise funds.

The board of directors, who have already been working behind the scenes, are asking for donor support to raise $125,000 to provide recovery services for adults living with serious mental illness in Rome and surrounding areas.

Executive Director Carrie Edge, during a virtual launch on Facebook Wednesday, said the organization has specific, measurable goals that target one of our community’s greatest needs- holistic mental health recovery.

• Launching the organization’s Four-Tiered Employment Program Model to decrease the unemployment rate of members
• Strengthening member connections in the Clubhouse and community in order to decrease hospitalizations and incarcerations
• Providing housing supports to reduce member homelessness and increase independent living
• Improving the overall health of members through wellness programs that increase personal investment levels in healthy lifestyles

“September is a great time to launch our first campaign,” commented Don Scuvotti, Founder/ Board President. “This month our nation focuses on two relevant topics, recovery and suicide prevention. The goal of our campaign is to raise awareness and secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of adults living with mental illness in our community.”

The Clubhouse model of psychosocial therapy utilized by Elevation House has been proven to be one of the most effective and cost-efficient methods of mental health recovery. Elevation House’s methods reduce hospitalizations and incarceration and increase overall well-being.

Elevation125 will utilize a crowdfunding approach empowering fundraisers to raise money through events, projects, and other creative ideas. The campaign will culminate on November 3 with the “Elevating Lives Concert” featuring award-winning, Christian artist, Josh Wilson.

“We are so excited about this multi-faceted campaign. There are a variety of opportunities for people to support Elevation House. Our ability to elevate lives depends on the generosity of our community,” Edge said.  “With support, Elevation House will unlock potential in members and revitalize dreams, helping them live personally gratifying lives.

Recovery is possible, and you can be the catalyst that enables it by engaging with our efforts.”

To give to the campaign or learn more about how you can support Elevation House, visit www.elevationhouse.org or contact Edge at 706-413-2323.

You can also donate here.

Tickets for the concert can be purchased here.

You can read more about Josh Wilson by going to joshwilsonmusic.com.



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