Wofford named parks and recreation director

July 10, 2019–11:26 a.m.


Todd Wofford has been appointed as the new executive director of the Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Department.

Floyd County Manager Jamie McCord said that Wofford has been with the recreation department for 27 years.

“He actually worked as a temp when he was a college student at Shorter University,” McCord said.  “He’s a career guy.  He came in during a kind of tough situation and dealt with some things that needed to be dealt with.  He did a really good job with that, he’s hired some good people and has a good relationship with the current rec. board.  I think he is taking us in the direction that we need to go.”

Wofford has been the interim director for the last six months and McCord said he has done a good job at getting everything lined up for the various recreation events.

“We’re excited about going forward with him and his leadership,” McCord added.  “We did do a nationwide search and had 17 applicants.  We interviewed the top five and landed on Todd as the selection.”

On Tuesday night, the Floyd County Commission approved Wofford’s contract, which will pay him $89,000 a year.

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