Old recycling center property for sale

June 12, 2019–9:05 a.m.


The Rome Floyd Solid Waste Commission is requesting Proposals for the Right to Acquire and Repurpose the Property at 405 Watters Street, Rome, Georgia 30161 that was formerly the site for the Rome Floyd Recycling Center.

Proposals will be received by the Floyd County Purchasing Department, 12 East 4th Ave, Suite 106, Rome, Georgia 30161 until 2:00 pm, July 08, 2019, local time.

Late Proposals will not be considered.

Proposals will be formally accepted and the names of those submitting read aloud by staff personnel after the closing time and date.

The Proposal must be accompanied by a Cashier’s Check in the amount of $1000.00 to be held as earnest money.

The unsuccessful bidders’ earnest money will be returned to them within 30 days.

The Proposal documents are available for inspection at the Floyd County Purchasing Department, 12 E. 4th Ave, Suite 106, Rome, Georgia; or they may be requested via email at [email protected].

The documents are also available for download on the Floyd County Website,www.romefloyd.com.

The County/City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities in the proposal or the bid process.

In the event that no proposal substantially satisfies the specified requirements as presented in this Request for Proposal, the Rome/Floyd Solid Waste Commission, at its sole discretion reserves the right to call for new proposals.

All questions regarding the Proposal must be in writing and addressed to Bill Gilliland, Floyd County Purchasing Department, 12 E. 4th Ave., Rome Georgia 30161.

Correspondence may be mailed to the address shown or emailed to [email protected].

The Purchasing Department shall not be responsible for US Mail, common carrier or electronic services. Legal Description of 405 Watters Street Rome, Georgia 30161.

Interested buyers should be aware that the site is currently listed on the EPD Hazardous Site inventory due to the chemicals used at the old Fox Manufacturing Facility.

EPD has suggested moving to a Type 5 Risk Reduction Standard Plan.

It is the goal of the Rome Floyd Solid Waste Commission for the sale of the property to be partially contingent on the future intended use of the property.

The decision to sell to a particular individual or firm will be decided by a joint committee of City and County Commissioners and staff.

The sale of the property will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Cash amount Bid
  2. Intended Use of the property:
  3. Will there be any new jobs created?
  4. Will there be any additional investment to be made to improve the aesthetics and the operational usage of the property?
  5. Over what period of time will the investment be made?
  6. Will the intended use of the property be in compliance and consistent with current zoning? Current Zoning is Heavy Industrial (HI) Will a zoning change be requested?
  7. How quickly will the property be occupied?
  8. The successful firm/individual must be ready to close within 60 days or less and must bear all closing cost expenses.

If a survey is necessary it will be the responsibility of the successful bidder.

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