Rome BoE accepts first reading of 2023-2024 school calendar

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023–7:30 p.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Rome City School System’s proposed 2023-2024 school calendar went on first reading Tuesday night.

According to Scott Crabbe, director of elementary curriculum for the school system, following formal input from internal and external stakeholders and a review of past calendars, an initial calendar was developed.

After gathering more information, three more options were developed.

“a survey was created and shared with employees, parents, and community stakeholders and we received over 1,000 responses,” he said. “Among other questions, we asked respondents to rate each calendar on its own merits and separately from others.”

Option 1 received the most positive feedback with over 59% recommending or highly recommending that calendar.

“Some of the highlights of that calendar were balanced semesters–90/90,” Crabbe said. “First day of school is July 28, 2023, and the last day is May 22, 2024. We have ten teacher in-service days, three flexible learning days, and three independent learning days. Fall break and spring break both align with Floyd County Schools.”

Option 1 was the calendar selected by the school board to go on first reading.