August 9th, 2022 – 3:30 PM
Press Release –
Rome City Schools Interim Superintendent Dr. Dawn Williams and the RCS Board members developed a list of measures schools will take to increase student safety and security in schools.
Rome Middle School (RMS) will implement safety measures like those that started at Rome High School this past Monday. These changes will take place on Thursday, August 11, 2022. The goal of system leadership, and the purpose of this change in protocol, is to be proactive in the approach to safety concerns and not in response to any recent event.
Changes to current RMS safety and security procedures include:
• There will be two entrances into the school during drop-off time, with tardy students allowed to come in late only through the front door. Doors to the school will not be open until 7:45 a.m. each morning.
• Upon entering school, students will remove and carry in hand all jackets, hoodies, or any outer layer clothing so that these items may be examined for contraband.
• Student book bags and other bags will be searched upon entering the school.
• Additional Rome Police Department officers will be on-site during drop-off time during searches and for a specified period each morning. Administrators will also be present at each search location.
• New ID badges will be printed and delivered to RMS students. Student badges will include safety code reminders added to the back of the ID, and students will be required to always wear ID badges while on campus.
Weapon detection systems and scanners for entrances are being researched and will be implemented as soon as possible.
As always, we appreciate your attention to this matter and your patience as we enhance our safety and security procedures.