Floyd County Schools Congratulates 2022 STAR Students & Teachers

March 16th, 2022 – 12:10 PM

Floyd County Schools –

The STAR, or Student-Teacher Achievement Recognition, Student honor is awarded to the high school senior from each Georgia public and private high school with the highest score on any single test date of the SAT and who also ranks in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of his or her class based on grade point average.

Each honored student is invited to select his or her favorite teacher to be named that school’s STAR Teacher.

The FCS honorees are: for Armuchee High School STAR Student Shiven Patel and STAR Teacher Kevin Van Der Horn; Coosa High School STAR Student Sarah Jenkins and STAR Teacher Margaret Garrett; for Model High School, a tie between STAR Student Quillen Lynn and STAR Teacher Robina Gallagher and STAR Student Liam Marshall and STAR Teacher Kristi Sutton; and for Pepperell High School, a tie between STAR Student Noah Crabbe and STAR Teacher Joe Knight and STAR Student Diana Bucio-Almaras and STAR Teacher Mike Bright.