[VIDEO] CVCU hosts member appreciation & ribbon-cutting at new branch

November 19th, 2021 – 2:30 PM

Ethan Garrett – WRGA Digital News Editor & Video Reporter –

On Friday morning the Coosa Valley Credit Union main branch, now located on Redmond Circle, hosted a Member appreciation and belated ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially celebrate and commemorate the new location.

The Varsity was at the scene in a food truck serving free lunch to Coosa Valley Credit Union members, and participants with tickets were also entered into a cash prize giveaway.

Coosa Valley Credit Union President and CEO Andy Harris also announced that the Coosa Valley Credit Union would make a donation to support families at the Davies Shelters for Christmas this year.

Davies Shelter Executive Director Devon Smyth was on hand to accept the donation.

*For more on this special event, please see the video story above.