Local Salvation Army volunteers travel to New Orleans

August 31, 2021–9:46 a.m.


Captain Tim Blevins (left) and two of Rome’s trained disaster volunteers, Michelle Dyer (center) and Frank Bibb (right), left Tuesday morning to travel to New Orleans to serve people affected by Hurricane Ida with food, hydration, and emotional and spiritual care.

They will join 8 other canteens and teams from the Georgia division in serving this devasted area.

For information on how you can donate and support The Salvation Army’s relief work, please visit www.helpsalvationarmy.org or you may mail a check locally. Our local mailing address is The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 5188, Rome, GA  30162. Your donations marked “Hurricane Ida” will be forwarded for use in this disaster.

The Salvation Army uses 100% of all donations designated for “disaster relief” in support of disaster operations.