Local airport to receive grants from COVID-19 relief package

April 16, 2020–8:11 a.m.


Commercial and general aviation airports across the country will benefit from approximately $10 billion in grants from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Rome’s Richard B. Russell Regional Airport – Towers Field and the Cartersville Airport are both getting $69,000.

The Tom B. David Airport in Calhoun and the Polk County Airport – Cornelius Moore Field will each be receiving $30,000 grants.

The Centre-Piedmont-Cherokee County Regional Airport in Alabama will get $30,000.

The funding will support continuing operations and replace lost revenue resulting from the sharp decline in passenger traffic and other airport business due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The funds are available for airport capital expenditures, airport operating expenses including payroll and utilities, and airport debt payments.

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